Reading time: 1 min wins Prof. Dr. Gerald Huber as new shareholder and investor

The use case for personalized medicine is at the heart of the collaboration.

Munich, 09.12.2021 – has invested more in artificial intelligence or its application in the field of personalized medicine in 2021. Together with LMU Munich, the team around started a project in February 2021 to predict side effects of therapies from public sources. With the help of LMU, this project is now being further developed to correctly recognize not only keywords, but also phrases. The goal is to use this approach to enable data-driven diagnostics for physicians while improving the quality of life for patients during therapy.

With Prof. Dr. Gerald Huber, has gained a very experienced and competent shareholder and investor who is very familiar with the field of personalized medicine. Gerald Huber was Managing Director at Ratiopharm for twelve years and CEO at Teva Pharmaceuticals for seven years. He studied pharmacy in Heidelberg, earned his doctorate in Berlin and holds an honorary professorship in business administration / information management in healthcare at the HNU. Prof. Huber is a serial founder himself and has been investing in various start-ups in the healthcare sector for many years, including Digital Health Systems as well as various start-ups in the IT sector and in imaging diagnostics.

“Personalized medicine is immediately positively experienced by the patient and improves their quality of life enormously. In addition, personalization makes a major contribution to sustainability in the healthcare system, as it enables much more targeted therapy and, as a result, enormous amounts of, for example, pharmaceutical waste can be avoided, side effects can be reduced and, as a result, unnecessary suffering on the part of patients can be minimized,” said Prof. Huber in an initial statement.

Together with Prof. Gerald Huber, will further develop the approach of making data for personalized medicine and therapies available in an automated way. From this, a variety of scenarios can be derived to prepare the ground for personalized medicines and therapies. focuses on processing quantitative data from colloquial texts in high quality, as in the other applications. “Processing texts compared to multiple choice surveys has a very high potential to provide better and deeper information on the health status of patients,” says Korbinian Spann, CEO of Insaas. “Therefore, we will further specialize in this area in the future.”

We are happy to have Professor Dr. Gerald Huber on our team and to successfully drive the evolution of with him.


At, we focus on Natural Language Processing (NLP) and statistical methods to leverage customer feedback from different data silos for decision-making. Our goal is to create a world with personalized and sustainable products based on the needs of consumers and customers. Lower time-to-market, higher customer satisfaction and better lifetime value are the result of our work. To achieve this, we are developing software that makes customer research available across departments and automated as an analytics dashboard and API.

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Denis Kargl
9. December 2021